Thursday, April 9th
Ex 12: 1-8
Ps. 116: 12-13, 17-18
1 Cor. 11: 23-26
Jn 13: 1-15
We are entering consecrated time. In the days of Moses, God commanded that every year we should reckon this season as a beginning, that is, as a sign that time is not an endless cycle, but a trajectory, an ongoing pilgrimage into God’s promised future.
The Gospel too reflects on time: Jesus hour had come. It was his moment to transform time at the table. The time had arrived to show his love to the end. Where other gospels talk about Jesus’ words about the bread and wine, John tells us that Jesus summed up his life by consecrating humble service as the sacrament of God’s presence among us.
Year after year we repeat these rituals. Paul says that we do so to proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. The time is now to begin again, to follow him wherever humble service will lead us. Then we will see and be his presence.
Lord, you have revealed the power and might of God as the freedom to share the life and vulnerability of creation. Lead us to experience your self-giving love such that we cannot help but imitate you out of love.
Personal Challenge
Whose service to me is a sign of God’s presence? How am I called to proclaim that love for others?
Sister Mary McGlone, CSJ
St. Louis, MO