Sunday, February 28th
Gn 22: 1-2, 9a. 10-13, 15-18
Ps 116: 10, 15-19
Rom 8: 31b-34
Mk 9: 2-10
“This is my Beloved Son, Listen to Him.”
Little did Peter, James, and John know when they climbed the mountain with Jesus that they would come down the mountain completely astonished and changed by their new and deeper understanding of who Jesus was.
Just prior to the Transfiguration in Mark’s gospel, Peter answered Jesus’ question “Who do you say that I am?” by saying “You are the Messiah.” Then Jesus began to explain that the Messiah must suffer and die. Peter, caught in his misunderstanding, exclaims: “Heaven preserve you, Lord!” (This cannot happen!)
When Jesus is transfigured before the apostles, they are terrified and overwhelmed. Then God reveals: “This is my beloved Son, Listen to him!” They are given a glimpse of who Jesus really is and are called to listen with their hearts so as to be changed. Changed so they think differently, act differently, and become witnesses to the way of Jesus.
Thank you, God, for the ways you break into our lives and reveal truth to us. Truth about who you are and about the meaning of life. Awaken us that we might deepen our love for you and reflect love in our world.
When you call may I say: “Here I am!”
Personal Challenge
Look for glimpses of God around you daily. Seek to reveal God’s love in your choices and actions.
Sister Bernadette Dean, CSJ
Kalamazoo, MI