Sunday, January 6th


Is. 60: 1-6
Ps. 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13
Eph. 3: 2-3a, 5-6
Mt. 2: 1-12


Epiphany, a feast celebrating the presentation of Jesus, the Messiah, to the Gentiles happened years before the conversion of Paul and only days after the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Isaiah reveals that “The Glory of God (Jesus) is present with you”. Psalm 72 reminds us that He sends justice, peace, and mercy to the poor. God offers harmony and peace to His people through the Messiah. After the Crucifixion, Paul, confronted by the risen Christ, hears him say, “I am Jesus whom you persecute.” Paul returns to Tarsus where he spends time in prayer, and is changed forever. In Ephesians, it was revealed to him “directly by God” that his mission was to the Gentiles, yes, to ALL the world.

Epiphany is the revelation of the coming of God’s Son to us (all nations) a few days after the Nativity.

The Magi, after hearing of the coming of a king, followed their hearts and the star to Jesus and offered their gifts to the King of Kings.


Dear God, let me hear your call in my heart and like the Magi, keep me faithful and courageous in following the Divine Light of Your Spirit to You.

Personal Challenge

May I follow the lead of the Magi in carrying the gifts of Justice, Peace and Joy to those in my world who live without them especially the poor and marginalized people of this world.

Sister Rosanne Belpedio, CSJ
Sherman Oaks, CA