Thursday, January 6th
Is 60: 1-6
Ps 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-13
Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6
Mt 2: 1-12
God’s secret plan was revealed to me. . .in Christ Jesus the Gentiles are now co-heirs with the Jews, members of the same body and sharers of the promise through the preaching of the gospel. Ephesians 3: 3, 6
Every nation on earth will adore you. Psalm 72: 11
According to the dictionary included with the New American Bible, the Israelites distinguished themselves from all foreign peoples, describing foreigners with the Hebrew word “goiim.” This word, which has a nuance of scorn, is often translated today as “nations” or “Gentiles.” As God’s chosen people, the Israelites considered themselves somewhat superior to other nations (because of being “chosen”), so for the first Jews who followed Jesus, it would have come as a great surprise that the “goiim” were “co-heirs…and sharers of the promise.” It was good news for all the peoples of the world, but perhaps not so much for the Jews.
OUR God…OUR Savior…OUR promise—-that was a lot to share with “every nation on earth.” Surely the Jews struggled with God’s all-inclusive love, even as we do today. As we celebrate the Epiphany, let us pray that we—and our Church—will make room for ALL people at our Table.
In Christ Jesus, we are all co-heirs of the promise.
Such gift! Such mystery!
Help us to believe the promise.
Help us to live the promise.
Personal Challenge
Who is not welcome at my table?
Sister Jeanne Cmolik, CSJ
Cleveland, OH