Sunday, December 13th
Is 61:1-2a,10-11
Lk 146-50, 53-54
1 Thes 5:16-24
Jn 1:6-8,19-28
Wrapped in today’s readings is a prophetic call for justice. Isaiah called for it then; WE
yearn for it now. What is my part?
“Test everything. Return to what is good,” Paul cautioned the Thessalonians so many
years ago. “Do not despise prophetic utterances”, he warns.
Who are today’s prophets who ask the questions, rumble the status quo, speak truth to
Are they the volunteers who tirelessly work at the border?
Is Greta Thunberg a prophet of our time?
Ask yourself: “How do I use MY prophetic voice?” Am I wrapped in “a mantle of justice” as
Isaiah announces? Do I thoughtfully listen then act?
What means can I use to be a prophet in my time? Social media? Friendly conversations?
Family gatherings?
Okay now…. what am I going to do about it?
You know me, Lord. It all gets so overwhelming and seems so much bigger than I am. Show me how I can be your Truth. Lead me “at the time”, not “in hindsight” after the moment of encounter has passed. Let me be present to you, so that I can mindfully share the Wisdom you’ve enabled me to receive.
So be it.
Personal Challenge
Speak Justice. Act today in some small, yet significant way. Then again tomorrow and the day after that.
Kathy Jeffers, Associate Beaver, PA