Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 17th


Is 61: 1-2a, 10-11
Lk 1: 46-48, 49-50, 53-54.
1 Thes 5:16-24
Jn 1:6-8, 19-28


“Do not quench the Spirit.” 1Thess 5:19

There is a Greek orthodox church near me. The words “REMEMBER NOT TO STIFLE THE SPIRIT” are emblazoned in stone over its front doors. Whenever I pass that church I say to myself “put those words on your bathroom mirror.” The word stifle leaps out at me, a reminder that God’s Spirit is readily available unless I get in the way. I’ve experienced that Spirt in my own prayer, in prayer and conversation with others, and at Congregation Chapters (big time). It saddens me that our Church stifles the Spirt by silencing the voices of some theologians and most women. Gratefully, there are hopeful signs of incremental change in synod preparation. We CSJ, Associates, and so many others strive to heal our planet and grow in unity by recognizing all our brothers and sisters – animal, plant, and human. Every step, every change in lifestyle requires strength and inspiration. Remember not to stifle the Spirit.


Holy Spirit, come, stay with me, enter my heart, teach me your ways. Fill me with your presence for the good of others.
Come, Holy Spirit. Come. Enter deep into the hearts of
all your people. Amen.

Personal Challenge

Write your own prayer to the Spirt. Memorize it or post it where you will see it often.

Sister Marianne Race, CSJ
Brookfield, IL

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