Sunday, March 1st
Gn. 2:7-9, 3: 1-7
Ps 51: 3-4, 5-6. 12-13. 17
Rom 5: 12-19 or 5: 12. 17-19
Mt 4:1-11
Do not put the Lord your God to the test.
Some commentaries say that the word temptation is better translated as being tested.
We all know what tests are like. Think back to high school and college, cramming for tests, praying to get a passing grade. That was then and this is now. What tests are put before us today?
Jesus’s first temptation (or test) was to satisfy his human hunger. Change stones into bread!!
How many times did Jesus use bread to feed others? His final gift of bread being the Eucharist. How do we feed others? We can give actual bread to the hungry, but do we feed others by caring, by listening, by offering understanding and compassion?
Next, the devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple – let’s stop right there. Do we stand on a pinnacle sometimes, looking down on others? Do we consider ourselves better than the immigrant, the shabby homeless person, the one whose skin is a different color, the handicapped? In Mark’s gospel Jesus asks, “Who is my mother, my brother, my sister?” We all belong to Jesus. We all are equal. So there should be no pinnacle for any of us to stand on.
Last of all, the devil shows Jesus the kingdoms of the world saying they can all be his if Jesus will fall down and worship him. How do we worship the devil? Do we desire all that the world can give? Do we always need more? Commercials certainly shout that message, “You need this, order now!”
Be careful of the temptation to need more and more. Be careful not to stand on a pinnacle and judge others. Instead take time to feed those who are in need. Be bread to others.
Jesus, grant me the wisdom to be strong in times of temptation.
Personal Challenge
Choose to do your best today.
Sister Francis Dutil, CSJ
LaGrange Park, IL