Sunday, March 8th


Gn 12: 1-4a
Ps 33: 4-5, 18-19, 20, 22
2 Tim 1: 8b-10
Mt 17: 1- 9


In contemplating this transfiguration story for the umpteenth time, it seems I find myself searching for new meaning, a new message, a new Word to hit me over the head, so to speak, or to break my heart. Suddenly the Word comes and it surprises me, for it is the Word-HUMILITY. Humility, not a virtue I ask for very often, but should, I feel. It must have taken Jesus by surprise, this mysterious happening, another epiphany or luminosity, a glowing Presence surrounding him. And the disciples were aware and had some gall, aka pride, to ask to stay on this mountaintop with Jesus, away from the “maddening” crowd, in the glow of grace. So what does it take for me, for us, to sense this mystery of love-grace rolled into our rather ordinary, daily lives? What “mountains” do we avoid in our lives? Mt 17: 1- 9

We celebrate the refounding of our Congregation of St. Joseph with the Feast of the Transfiguration on August 6. (I am writing this right after this feast.) What surrender and humble gratitude it took to have joined with others to form this new community, to give up our old ways in order to embrace newness and vulnerability and growth! With God’s Faithful Presence and the Lead of the Christ Spirit we are down the mountain and onto a new road, just like the disciples with Jesus. Divine Presence continued to transfigure them just as it does us. The keys to this transformation are humility and great love practiced daily.


Spirit of the Resurrected Christ, you who abide within and with us all, I humble myself to receive more and more of your grace for living as a woman of Profound Love of God and Neighbor. Teach me anew. Guide my steps. I embrace the Newness of each day. Amen.

Personal Challenge

Ask for humility of heart which fosters receptivity, listening, gratitude, and newness in order to love ever more deeply and widely.

Sister Janet Franklin, CSJ
New Roads, LA