March 25th
Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-24;
Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14-23:56
Trust God today in everything you do. The readings today are filled with
beautiful reminders of the poor and the capabilities that God has given each
of us for our mission. In our world today we have ever so many reminders
that we have the poor among us. The world situations alone are overwhelming.
The poor wait for a kind word, a simple gesture, and even the nimble
hands of an alabaster woman. The poor wait, always wait. God reminds us
that we have all the tools we need to sustain the weary. We even have a well
trained tongue to speak words of compassion, gentleness, and peace. Sustain
the lowly today; show yourself to be a model of good works. Trust in God.
This God wants to use you and me today to soothe those around us.
Listen. Speak. Soothe.
God of today, here and now, engage me in soothing
and compassionate ways to assist those around me.
Help me, as poor as I am, to assist in whatever ways
possible, those that need my help today. May I be a
soothing presence, compassionate, and kind.
Let me be your presence today.
Personal Challenge
The poor we have always with us.
Therese Denham, CSJ
Los Angeles, CA