Statement on the Treatment of Children at the US Southern Border

As women of faith, our hearts break at the cruel and inhumane treatment of migrants and
refugees – especially children – at our southern border. Children are held by US Border Patrol
in jail-like facilities, sometimes for weeks at a time, in deplorable conditions. They are separated
from their families and do not have regular access to basic necessities including food, clean water,
showers, fresh clothes, toothbrushes or other toiletries, medical treatment or proper beds. Many
are sick. Some have died. Our country has always stood for human rights and protection of the
vulnerable. Children are certainly the most vulnerable among us, yet we are treating them with
cruelty and indifference. We insist that their human rights be respected. We call on Congress to
move forward policies that will release these children to their parents and family members, and
to enact just and humane immigration laws. No child belongs in detention or in a cage. We are
better than this.

The Congregation of St. Joseph is dedicated to love of the dear neighbor, without distinction. We believe that we are all one people, and we work to bring all people together in love of God and one another. Learn more about our immigration efforts here.