March 19, 2017

By Barbara Kupchak, CSJ
Wheeling, WV

2 Sm 7:4-5, 12-14, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29;
Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24

It was not through the law that the promise was made
to Abraham and his descendants that he would
inherit the world, but through the righteousness
that comes from faith. Rom 4:13

As I write this, the world is in turmoil. We have been living with the constant bickering of political parties, racism, people who believe and live differently than we do and much more. On some days, the anxiety is palpable. And here we are, today, celebrating St. Joseph, who is described as a righteous man of faith, a quiet man whose own world was in the midst of turmoil: new wife, new child, mysteries of the child’s conception, trouble in the world.

And yet, Joseph is an example of a man who believed, had faith, and trusted. He remained strong, raised a child who would live a life of example that changed the world in Joseph’s time and for many centuries to come. In the readings for today, there is talk of mercy, faith, promises that the Holy One is always with us, promises that assure us that if we are righteous and have faith, it will be OK.

Holy One, as we move through this Lenten season, let Joseph
be my example. Let his life guide me to walk in a path of
righteousness and compassion for all people in this world without
distinction of race, religion, politics or lifestyle. Give me
the graces I need to remember that “we are all one.”

Personal Challenge
I will look into the eyes of each person I meet and remember
that we are all one people and have faith that all will be well.

Check back tomorrow, March 17th, for our next reflection.

Courtesy of Ministry of the Arts