Sunday, April 5th
Mt. 21: 1-11
Is. 59: 4-7
Ps. 22: 8-9,17-18,19-20,23-24
Phil 2: 6-11
Mt. 26: 14-27: 66
“Hosanna….I don’t know the man….Crucify him….After three days, I will rise again” Mt. 21:1-11; 26:14-27:66
Though every week is potentially “holy” for faithful people, this week invites us and the entire Body of Christ to be more intentionally participative in the ever unfolding mystery of our life, death, and resurrection with and in Christ Jesus. Both readings from Matthew portray some of the multiple movements of the human faith journey, ever ancient and ever new. The Body of Christ, we know times when the hosannas of joyful hope proclaim all is right with the world and ourselves. There are other times when we “don’t know” or don’t see the Christ in every sister and brother. There may even be times when we wish some version of crucifixion or suffering would afflict those people we call enemies. Can we name the stones to roll away from our tombs so that we can rise again? Christ’s loving intimacy and infinity- life given for you and for all- empowers us these days, inviting us to a heartfelt Holy Week.
Ever living and loving God, inspire us and all people to live for you and for all. Give us courage to see and to leave behind our tombs that restrict life and love. Make this week holy for all who seek you. Amen.
Personal Challenge
Take reflective time to identify any tombs that restrict loving. Ask Christ to assist you and everyone to roll away the stones and rise again.
Sister Shawn Madigan, CSJ
Green Bay, WI